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Congresswoman Lee Statement Against Legislation to Make it More Difficult for Millions of U.S. Citizens to Vote

Congresswoman Susie Lee (NV-03) released the following statement after voting against extreme legislation that would make it more difficult for millions of U.S. citizens to register to vote: 

“It is already illegal for noncitizens to register or vote in federal elections and I’ve repeatedly supported legislation to prevent noncitizens from voting. I believe it’s important that we find a common sense, bipartisan solution to verify citizenship when registering and ensure only eligible U.S. citizens are able to vote.  

“Today’s extreme legislation did not do that — it would gut mail and online voter registration in states like Nevada and make it nearly impossible for millions of citizens to register to vote.  

“Under this dangerous legislation, birth certificates for individuals who have changed their names, like married women, would not be considered proof of citizenship, and Americans would be prohibited from using military IDs or tribal IDs when registering to vote. This would put millions of U.S. citizens at risk of having their names removed from state voter rolls.  

“I voted against this legislation because it would threaten Americans’ constitutional right to vote.” 

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