Carmen Andrade
Carmen Gladys
Cauchi Andrade was
born and raised in
Lima, Peru, where
she spent the first half
of her professional
life working in the
accounting field. After
migrating to the US, she
worked multiple jobs in the
hospitality industry on the
Las Vegas Strip. In 2007, she
transitioned to the Clark County
School District, where she worked as
a Teacher’s Aid until her retirement in
Carmen began her community volunteer work in
2004 after listening to the community activist on the radio,
Miguel Barrientos. He introduced her to Make the Road Nevada, and since then,
she has been traveling to Carson City and Washington DC for volunteer advocacy
work. She also enjoys volunteering at senior centers, hospitals, elementary
schools, and the Las Vegas Metro and North Las Vegas Police Departments.
In 2019, Carmen’s friend Anita introduced her to “Libre Initiative,” where she
also enjoys her volunteer work in community activism. Carmen continues to be
involved with many community events. After many years of working and raising
two adult children, Jaime and Aaron, who are also involved in helping people,
Carmen is now retired but keeps busy visiting and helping many organizations
that are serving the community and is grateful to Ronnie Najarro, Eddie Diaz, and
Paul Padda Law for this honor.