Senator Jacky Rosen Launches New Ad in Spanish Highlighting Her Work to Lower Costs for Nevadans

New ad touts Jacky Rosen’s efforts to lower Nevada housing prices, stand up to bid drug companies to lower drug costs, and take on Big Oil to lower gas prices
Today, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen’s campaign released a new Spanish-language TV ad, “Sin Miedo,” about her fight to lower prices for hardworking Nevadans – including the cost of housing, prescription drugs, and gas.Rosen is leading the charge to bring down costs for Nevada families – working to crack down on corporate investors and price gouging in the housing market. She also successfully took on big drug companies to cap the cost of insulin at $35/month and finally allow Medicare to negotiate for lower drug costs. And, Rosen has called for a federal investigation into Big Oil mergers that greatly reduce competition and drive up gas prices at the pump.WATCH:
The new ad is airing on broadcast and digital and is a part of the Rosen campaign’s ongoing outreach efforts to mobilize Nevada’s Latino community, which makes up nearly 20% of the electorate and will once again be decisive in the 2024 election.This is the second Spanish-language ad the Rosen campaign has aired this year. The previous ad, “Un Camino Diferente,” focused on Jacky’s untraditional path to office and her work to lower costs for Nevadan. The campaign has also placed a $14 million ad reservation that will run from last July through the November 5 election. While Senator Rosen is communicating to Nevada’s crucial Latino voters for the general election, extreme MAGA Republicans are facing a crowded and divisive primary between now and June 11.Transcript:(ANCHOR) Buenas noticias… Jacky RosenGood news… Jacky Rosen(ANCHOR) “Tomando medidas enérgicas”Taking strong measures(ANCHOR) “la senadora Jacky Rosen”Senator Jacky RosenJacky Rosen está haciendo responsables a los inversionistas por el aumento del costo de la viviendaJacky Rosen is holding investors accountable for raising the price of housing.Se enfrentó a las petroleras por estafar a la gente a la hora de echar gasolinaShe took on big oil for gouging consumers at the pump.Rosen luchó contra las compañías farmaceuticas y ganó, fijando el costo de la insulina a $35 dólares al mes para todos.And Rosen fought the big drug companies and won, capping the cost of insulin at $35 a month for everyone.Luchando, sin miedo es nuestra senadora, Jacky Rosen.Fighting fearlessly is our Senator, Jacky Rosen.Soy Jacky Rosen and I approve this message.

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