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What is La Causa

  • Leticia, a single mom of two who was struggling to make ends meet, received financial coaching and education from CPLC. She was able to budget and save to purchase a home and used her knew knowledge to launch her own successful business.
  • Kyle, a young man who dropped out of high school, received education, mentorship, and guidance from a CPLC youth program. He has now completed his GED and his first year of college and is on-track to succeed. 
  • Jilberto, a single father of five, worked his whole life to provide for his family, leaving little for his own retirement. He was able to find an affordable apartment with a CPLC senior housing program where he has made friends and improved his well-being through social, recreational, and educational activities. 

When the needs of the community have evolved and changed, CPLC has responded with new culturally-responsive services to meet these needs. Today, CPLC serves our community with five key areas of impact: Health & Human Services, Education, Housing, Economic Development, and Advocacy. 

Learn more about the programs and services CPLC provides to the community

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