From La Voz De Aztlan
Latinos are now a Target. The People are United.

We now understand what our ancestors experienced in 1838 during President Polk’s administration in the USA. President Polk was aware of the valuable resources beneath the ground in Mexican territory and decided to make an insulting offer of $35 million for half of that territory. However, when President Antonio Lopez Santa Anna of Mexico rejected the offer, President Polk chose to take the land by force, fully recognizing that the USA had a powerful military to accomplish this.

Important Historians have established that the Mexican territory was taken by force from Mexico by the United States, with assistance from Spanish elite leaders who likely benefited from this situation. They chose to remain silent about how the territory was obtained and the world never knew until now. This chapter in history is currently under investigation, and one day in the World Court, Mexico will present its case, seeking the return of the land.
In the last six years, Thanks to the brave and finally Honest President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), Mexico has been rapidly recovering financially and is recognized as a significant player on the global stage. With resources such as gold, silver, cement, copper, zinc, lithium, pesticides, and oil, alongside a skilled workforce, Mexico thrives in various sectors. The country excels in fishing, beef, pork, poultry, fruits, vegetables, tequila, tourism, modern architecture, manufacturing, and much more.
Furthermore, Mexico boasts a booming technology sector and offers free healthcare for all. Therefore, Mexico can thrive independently of the United States. In fact, the millions of Mexicans that Trump wants to deport could be a blessing for Mexico. Their return brings back skilled workers who will contribute to the economy as they become a new generation of entrepreneurs, supported by the Mexican government.

Now, the Bully Donald J. Trump, who has been re-elected, is trying to muscle the Mexicans by raising Tariffs and causing great pain by deporting hard-working families who come to the USA for a better life for their families. and not to mention that the Immigrant community drops almost $2 Trillion into the Local, State, and Federal governments through Taxes. Each year.
Well, it’s no surprise that Mexico is on the Hit List from Trump.
He and the racist governor from Texas, the Anti-Hispanic Elected Republicans, and the Trump puppets see a potential for profit from incarcerating families who are seeking a better life in the USA. He has for-profit prisons being built so that the Taxpayers will have to pay $50,000 annually per person to pay for the prisons. These anti-Americans are all about money with no heart for the people who are contributing to keeping this Country Strong.
With the support of brave men and women who understand the value of Freedom, Millions of Latinos across the USA are coming together to protect families from separation and the potential removal of their children. Trump and his fellow anti-American elected Republican officials need to reconsider the significant negative impact their actions may have on the Republican Party in the next two years—provided we have fair elections.
With 65 million Latinos in the USA and 130 million in Mexico, 2025 will not be like 1838.
If you are undocumented, don’t just sit and wait to be deported; start organizing in your community and make your voice heard without fear. Support the local organizations who are leading the fight, Talk to your friends and those who can Vote to be prepared to Vote in 2026. Mexicans are descendants of Aztec warriors and will not allow themselves to be deported or taken into prisons to be sold to taxpayers.

Now, let’s unite our warriors for Latin America. Together, we can fight for our rights without resorting to violence and avoid being removed from what is technically (but not Legally) still Mexico’s territory.
The pain of crying children and Mothers is already being felt.
The time has come for Elected Officials to brave up and know what their constituents want and be supported, or they will see themselves with the possibility of being removed on election day. For those Latinos who stand and support the actions of Trump, consider yourself as the Mexican traitors of 1838,
The United States is not owned by the Republicans. And now we wait to see what the weak Democrats have in their plans to come back in 2026.
Adelante con Espíritu, Fe y Ganas.
Will keep you posted.
La Voz De Aztlan
I would love to know your thoughts on this matter.