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Sen. Cortez Masto Secured Major Funding To Support Hardworking Families, Veterans, And Tribes In Nevada

U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) released the following statement after voting to pass bipartisan government funding legislation to provide critical support for hardworking families, veterans, and Tribes across Nevada.

“I fought to ensure this package brings in critical funding for Nevada that supports our local law enforcement, protects our veterans’ benefits, and delivers urgently needed middle class housing for our state,” said Senator Cortez Masto. “The programs supported by this legislation help Nevada families, businesses, and Tribes every day, and I’m glad to see it headed to the President’s desk.”

This bipartisan government funding package includes $147 million for 76 community projects across the state. It supports federal programs to protect veterans’ benefits, increase our middle class housing supply, invest in energy infrastructure and airline safety, and fund vital nutrition assistance for Nevada families. Cortez Masto secured increased funding for the Indian Community Development Block Grant program, which supports housing and infrastructure improvements on Tribal land, and she led efforts to improve Tribal access to transportation infrastructure programs. The bill includes millions for Senator Cortez Masto’s Visit America Actwhich promotes the U.S. travel and tourism industry, and it will help implement her ACCESS Broadband Act, which ensures Nevadans have easier access to federal broadband programs. The package includes no new funding to restart the failed Yucca Mountain project.

The legislation also funds vital programs Cortez Masto fought for to keep Nevada communities safe, including full funding for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne JAG) program—the leading source of criminal justice funding for local police officers. The Violence Against Women Act the Senator helped reauthorize in 2022 is funded at the highest level ever to support victims of domestic violence.

The bipartisan legislation protects Nevada water resources, including through funding to implement the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act the Senator has championed. The Tribal Energy Loan Guarantee Program Cortez Masto supported in the Inflation Reduction Act will receive full funding to help Tribal communities take advantage of new clean-energy opportunities. The bill also includes an extension of the pay increase for federal firefighters Cortez Masto fought to secure, and she’ll continue working to make this pay raise permanent.The Senator also delivered $5.5 million to help combat Mormon crickets in Nevada and across the West.

This is the first of two expected packages to fund the entire federal government and avert a harmful government shutdown. The second bill is expected to pass in the coming weeks.

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