Washington, DC – The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Nation’s Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization, applauds President Joe Biden and his Administration for the executive actions protecting Dreamers, and the spouses and stepchildren of U.S. citizens without legal status from deportation.

LULAC National President Domingo Garcia stated the following:

“Today LULAC is proud to stand with 528,000 Dreamers and close to 500,000 spouses of U.S. Citizens who will have access to updates and adjustments to their legal statuses. We applaud the Biden Administration for offering a pathway to legality for many families that have been separated and torn due to the lack of immigration reform.

Today marks the 12th anniversary of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). These two executive orders are the largest immigration reform policies that we have had since DACA.

Throughout my leadership at LULAC, I have spoken to, advocated for, and stood beside many Dreamers that came with their families to the U.S. as children. Many of these Dreamers are now adults that have been educated in our universities, formed families, and live in America. They are American. I am hopeful today because they will be able to continue to attain the American dream by having working visas that allow them to continue their contributions to our country.

Americans have always taken pride in our history as a Nation of immigrants. If you came to our shores three generations ago, or yesterday, America has always been a nation that welcomes those seeking protection. We are all connected to immigrants, whether they clean our homes, stock our groceries, take care of our children, or have become educated and are now lawyers, doctors, teachers, nurses, elected officials—whatever the role—immigrants are the backbone of America.

LULAC continues to our steadfast commitment of advocating for even larger reforms and updates to the U.S.’s immigration system. We believe in a humane and orderly processes that connect immigrants to opportunities for safety and freedom on our shores. Our Latino immigrant workforce is indispensable, contributing not only to the physical infrastructure of our Nation but also to its social, economic, and cultural richness. LULAC will always be a beacon of hope and advocacy for the marginalized. We stand with President Biden on this decision and applaud the efforts taken today.”

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