ICYMI: Senator Rosen Successfully Pushes USPS to Keep Local Mail Processing Operations in Reno

RENO, NV – In case you missed it last week, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) successfully pushed the U.S. Postal Service to keep local, first-class mail processing operations in Reno rather than moving forward with its plan to send  local mail out of state to Sacramento and back again. As a member of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, which has jurisdiction over USPS, Senator Rosen led the bipartisan effort to protect local postal operations in Nevada and push back against this misguided proposal.

Reno Gazette-Journal: USPS backs away from plan to send local Reno mail to California first

By Mark Robison

  • The U.S. Postal Service backed away from its plans to move all mail-processing from its Reno facility to California.
  • “Outgoing single piece mail will continue to be processed at its current location,” the USPS said in a statement Tuesday.
  • The news release also said that although USPS had expected to let go staff because of its proposed Sacramento move, that has changed, too.
  • Sen. Jacky Rosen, D-Nev., who’d been fighting the move for months, cheered the news.
  • “The announcement that this widely opposed transfer of local mail processing operations will no longer happen is a huge win for our seniors, veterans, and every person in Northern Nevada who depends on timely mail delivery,” she said in a statement.
  • Rosen had teamed with U.S. Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Nev., on a bill that would’ve blocked the move.

Las Vegas Review-Journal: USPS ditches plan to process Nevada mail in California

By Ricardo Torres-Cortez

  • The U.S. Postal Service announced Tuesday that it’s scrapping plans to move its Northern Nevada outgoing mail processing operations from Reno to Sacramento, California, easing concerns that such a move could delay mail — including mailed election ballots.
  • Instead, the agency is using a previously-allocated up to $13.4 million to modernize the postal office, which operations would’ve shrunk under the original proposal.
  • The Republican governor said he was grateful to work with Sens. Jacky Rosen and Catherine Cortez Masto and Rep. Mark Amodei to protect “Nevadans from misguided D.C. bureaucracy.”
  • Rosen, D-Nevada, led a congressional effort to reverse the unpopular decision.

KRNV Reno: USPS ditches controversial plan to reroute Nevada mail through Sacramento

  • The controversial plan to send Nevada mail through Sacramento is no longer happening after months of outcry and changes from the United States Postal Service.
  • The USPS said in a news release on Tuesday morning, “There will be no change to the location for canceling certain originating mail in Reno. In simpler terms, outgoing single piece mail will continue to be processed at its current location.”
  • It comes after months of bipartisan pushback from Nevada’s top elected officials including Governor Joe Lombardo and both Nevada’s U.S. Senators Jacky Rosen and Catherine Cortez Masto.

Nevada Independent: Postal Service drops plan to move all Reno mail processing to Sacramento

By Eric Neugeboren

  • The United States Postal Service is abandoning plans to move all Reno mail processing to Sacramento following a bipartisan outcry and a federal lawsuit brought by Washoe County.
  • The Postal Service said Tuesday that outgoing single-piece mail — which is a smaller quantity than bulk mail — would still be processed in Reno instead of Sacramento once oversight of the plan is complete, indicating that bulk mail would still be processed in Sacramento. 
  • A bipartisan group of officeholders — including the governor, secretary of state and members of the state’s congressional delegation — expressed concern that the plan to process all Reno mail in Sacramento could have dire implications for medication deliveries and mail ballot processing, given that severe winter weather between the two regions could make it difficult for mail to be delivered timely and efficiently.
  • Gov. Joe Lombardo, a Republican, said the announcement “is great news for our state and represents a huge bipartisan victory for Nevada,” while Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-NV) called it a “huge win for our seniors, veterans, and every person in Northern Nevada who depends on timely mail delivery” and Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar, a Democrat, said it was a “major win for our elections, economy and our entire community.”

Nevada Appeal: Postal service scraps Reno mail distribution proposal

  • After months of trying to sell a proposal to transport mail from Reno to Sacramento, Calif., for sorting and distribution and then back to the Silver State, the U.S. Postal Service announced Tuesday it’s scrapping the plan.
  • U.S. Sens. Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen, Rep. Mark Amodei and Gov. Joe Lombardo urged DeJoy and the USPS Board of Governors to stop what they called a disruptive change to Reno’s processing facility.
  • Rosen said the plan was misguided and expressed her concern that the plan would hurt people who depend on timely mail service.
  • “The announcement that this widely opposed transfer of local mail processing operations will no longer happen is a huge win for our seniors, veterans, and every person in Northern Nevada who depends on timely mail delivery,” Rosen said in a statement.

South Tahoe Now: U.S. Postal Service cancels plan to move operations affecting Reno and Lake Tahoe

  • Nevada’s U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen successfully led a bi-partisan effort to stop the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) plan to move postal operations from Reno to Sacramento. That plan would have caused local South Lake Tahoe mail to go to Reno, then to Sacramento for processing, back to Reno, and then to South Lake Tahoe.
  • Rosen fought the plan that would have downsized the Reno office as mail would have faced possible days-long delays when I-80 closes in the winter. While she fought for Nevada, the proposal would have affected the bordering California communities.
  • “For months, I’ve been standing up for Northern Nevada, raising serious concerns about this misguided Washington plan, and leading the bipartisan fight against moving local mail processing from Reno to Sacramento,” said Senator Rosen. “The announcement that this widely opposed transfer of local mail processing operations will no longer happen is a huge win for our seniors, veterans, and every person in Northern Nevada who depends on timely mail delivery. I will always stand up to Washington on behalf of Nevada and make sure our voices are heard.”

KRNV Reno: Senator Rosen successfully pushes USPS to keep local mail processing operations in Reno

Anchor“After months of bipartisan opposition, a lawsuit, and a congressional bill, the United States Postal Service is ditching a controversial plan that could have delayed Northern Nevada mail. The proposal would have rerouted local mail that started here in Reno over Donner Pass down to Sacramento and back before being delivered here. Nevada’s congressional delegation has fought hard against this plan for months, and just this morning, USPS officials announced that they would be scrapping the plan altogether. In a statement, they wrote, ‘There will be no change to the location for canceling certain originating mail in Reno. In simpler terms, outgoing single piece mail will continue to be processed at its current location.’”


Anchor“Senator Rosen, meantime, who led the bipartisan effort to keep things local here said in part, ‘The announcement that this widely opposed transfer of local mail processing operations will no longer happen is a huge win for our seniors, veterans and every person in northern Nevada who depends on timely mail delivery.’”

Univision Reno: Rosen anuncia el Servicio Postal no moverá procesamiento de correo local a CA

Presentador“Y hay una actualización en este momento acerca del plan controversial de USPS de mover sus operaciones de Reno a Sacramento. USPS dijo esto en un comunicado que ya no seguirán con su plan de, primero, enviar todos los sobres y paquetes a Sacramento antes de regresar a Reno en camiones. Recordemos que la idea fue anunciada por USPS a principios de este año y no fue muy bien recibida por los líderes locales estatales, incluyendo la Senadora Jacky Rosen y el Gobernador Joe Lombardo, y además de algunos miembros de la ciudadanía.”

KRNV Reno: Senator Rosen speaks on successfully pushing USPS to keep local mail processing in Reno

Anchor“Senator Jacky Rosen, the leader of the bipartisan effort to stop the USPS from moving mail processing out of our area held a news conference in Reno about this today. Rosen said she immediately got to work with other state lawmakers the moment she heard how detrimental this proposal would be to residents in northern Nevada, especially seniors and veterans. Rosen said it’s clear only someone unfamiliar with Nevada would support implementing this kind of plan.”

Senator Rosen“We’re here outside the Reno Postal Processing and Distribution Center, the only location where we process mail in northern Nevada, the only location. And I’m proud to say today that the local mail processing is here to stay.” 

KRXI Reno: Senator Rosen successfully pushes USPS to keep local mail processing operations in Reno

Anchor“Senator Jacky Rosen held a press conference in Reno yesterday afternoon after nonstop bipartisan efforts to stop the USPS from moving mail processing out of our area.” 

Anchor“Senator Rosen said that she immediately got to work with other state lawmakers the moment she heard how detrimental this proposal would be to residents here in northern Nevada specifically, and especially for seniors and veterans. Rosen said it’s clear only someone unfamiliar with Nevada would support implementing such a plan.”


Anchor“Rosen led Nevada’s Congressional Delegation behind this effort, which included Senator Catherine Cortez Masto and Congressman Mark Amodei. Rosen at one point even pressed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy for answers on the proposal during a congressional hearing. And if you remember that one, Chris, that was when Postmaster General Louis DeJoy pronounced Nevada the incorrect way.”

KTVN Reno: Senator Rosen successfully pushes USPS to keep local mail processing operations in Reno

Reporter“Well, Senator Rosen says she is happy with the progress being made, but she says there is still work to be done. She says her and other state leaders will continue to put pressure on Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, but one thing is for certain.”

Senator Rosen“The local mail will stay here in Nevada. We will continue to work with Mickey and with the unions to be sure that anything going forward, that Nevadans receive their mail on time and that we don’t send it out. But mail that gets sent here from Nevada and is going to another place in Nevada, that’s what we know today.”

KOLO Reno: Senator Rosen speaks on successfully pushing USPS to keep local mail processing in Reno

Anchor“There are both high-fives and a sense of relief following the news that the Postal Service has backed off on its plans to remove mail processing operations from Reno to Sacramento. That proposal announced last year by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy was a cost cutting move and it would have seen all local mail trucked to Sacramento for sorting. Well, that raised immediate concerns about winter weather over Donner Pass, causing delays of important mail including medications and mailed ballots during elections. Senator Jacky Rosen, who sits on the committee with the oversight [of] the Postal Service said hearings revealed DeJoy’s original decision was made in ignorance of local conditions.” 

Senator Rosen“I said, did he know about the Donner Pass, and when he said ‘Why would I know that?’ Because it’s his job as the Postmaster General. He didn’t even know how to say Nevada correctly. And, so hopefully people talked with him. We put a lot of pressure on him. We didn’t stop. We wanted the local mail to stay here. We wanted the jobs to stay here.”

Anchor“Yeah, she really let him have it in that hearing, I saw that. The senator credited bipartisan pressure from the congressional delegation and state officials with forcing the change. She said however, there’s still work to be done and vowed that she would continue to hold the Postmaster General accountable.”

KOH-AM Reno: Rosen successfully pushes USPS to keep local mail processing operations in Reno

Anchor“One Nevada Senator says bipartisan efforts kept local mail sorting from being moved to Sacramento. She adds the Postmaster General faced withering criticism on both sides during a Senate hearing.”

Senator Rosen“I said, did he know about the Donner Pass? And when he said ‘Why would I know that?’ Because it’s his job as the Postmaster General. He didn’t even know how to say Nevada correctly. And so, hopefully people talked to him. We put a lot of pressure on him. We didn’t stop. We wanted the local mail to stay here.”

Anchor“Democrat Jacky Rosen says she’s glad the post office reversed themselves, but she’s keeping a very close eye on them.”

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