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Changes adopted for our animal shelter

Dear Friend,

Today’s votes on the Animal Shelter in Las Vegas will be the first step toward finding a long-term solution that serves the needs of animals and our residents.

I want to thank Darcy Spears of Channel 13 and all the animal advocates who brought the issues at the Animal Foundation to my attention over two years ago and worked with me to shine a light on the need for change.

There are too many advocates in the animal community to thank, but I’d like to mention Bryce Henderson and Gina Greisen for their tireless work.

I want to thank our City Manager Mike Janssen, Deputy City Manager Tim Hacker, Director of Finance Susan Heltsley, and Deputy City Attorney Dimitri Dalacas for their outstanding effort in working with their counterparts at the County, the city of North Las Vegas, and The Animal Foundation on a contract modification that not only gives us greater oversight and accountability but allows us to control our destiny when the contract expires.

I also want to thank the Mayor and all the council members for their support.

And finally, I want to thank my staff, who spent the last two years taking calls from residents and rescues looking for help at all hours of the day.

More work is ahead, but we are moving on the right track to deliver a shelter that will better serve our residents and animals.

My office is always here to help and update you on Ward 2 and City of Las Vegas topics. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact my office (702) at 229-2420 or Ward2@lasvegasnevada.gov. 
Victoria Seaman
Councilwoman, Ward 2

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