Online voter registration is now available for residents of all Nevada counties. Eligible voters can register to vote and update their voter registration information online, including change of address and party affiliation. A DMV issued Driver’s License or ID is required. ***VISIT TO REGISTER TO VOTE OR UPDATE YOUR REGISTRATION ONLINE***
Durante el fin de semana, un agente del Servicio Secreto de Estados Unidos fue asaltado a punta de pistola en California mientras acompañaba al presidente Joe Biden en un viaje.
El Departamento de Policía de Tustin informó que el sábado por la noche respondieron a una llamada por robo en la comunidad residencial Tustin Fields I. Los oficiales descubrieron que la víctima era un miembro del Servicio Secreto de EE.UU., quien reportó que le robaron su bolso durante el incidente. El agente del Servicio Secreto dijo que disparó su arma, pero el presunto ladrón logró escapar. Se desconoce si el sospechoso resultó herido. Se encontraron algunas pertenencias del agente, pero el incidente aún está bajo investigación.
Más vivienda a North Las Vegas
D.R. Horton, uno de los mayores constructores de viviendas en Estados Unidos, ha comprado 11 acres de terreno en North Las Vegas por 5.9 millones de dólares a la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días. El terreno, ubicado en la esquina noroeste de Walnut Road y Tropical Parkway, será utilizado para construir 81 viviendas en una nueva comunidad llamada Tropical Falls. La comunidad, que ofrecerá casas con hasta 5 dormitorios y tecnología inteligente sin costo adicional, abrirá en otoño de 2025. Actualmente, D.R. Horton tiene 11 comunidades en North Las Vegas.
¿Cómo será el panorama con menos agua en el futuro?
La limitada oferta de agua en el sur de Nevada está cambiando el aspecto de nuestra comunidad. La sequía ha reducido el nivel del lago Mead, obligando a medidas de conservación. Se está promoviendo la eliminación de césped no funcional y se han impuesto restricciones en el tamaño de las piscinas y la construcción de nuevas fuentes de agua. A pesar de estos desafíos, hay optimismo gracias a la conservación y a la construcción de una tercera toma en el lago Mead. Esto permitirá a Las Vegas extraer agua incluso en tiempos de escasez extrema. Aunque la gestión del agua sigue siendo una preocupación, se espera que Las Vegas pueda mantener su suministro en las próximas décadas.
Maneje con cuidado; harán equipo troopers de California y Nevada
Las patrullas de carreteras de Nevada y California se unirán para hacer cumplir las leyes de tráfico durante lo que se espera sea un fin de semana festivo muy concurrido. Las dos agencias dijeron que aumentarán las patrullas en la Interestatal 15, comenzando por las áreas de Primm y St. Rose Parkway el viernes 24 de mayo. Incluso las infracciones de tráfico más menores serán sancionadas durante el fin de semana, según las autoridades. Varias agencias se enfocarán en vehículos que exceden el límite de velocidad, “conductores que circulan por el arcén”, violadores de la ley de cambio de carril, conductores distraídos y violaciones del uso del cinturón de seguridad. Según la Policía Estatal de Nevada, un promedio de 45,000 vehículos ingresan a Nevada por el corredor de la I-15 desde Los Ángeles todos los días.
Presentan proyecto bipartidista para apoyar la presa Hoover
En la década de 1930, la construcción de la presa Hoover costó $49 millones, equivalente a $760 millones hoy en día ajustado por inflación. Ahora, los líderes del Congreso buscan liberar $45 millones del Fondo de la Presa del Río Colorado. La representante Susie Lee y el representante Mark Amodei han presentado el Acta Hoover Dam de manera bipartidista para destinar el dinero a operaciones, mantenimiento y mejoras en la presa. Una legislación similar ha sido introducida en el Senado por Kyrsten Sinema de Arizona. Todos los senadores de Nevada, Arizona y California son copatrocinadores. El Acta cuenta con el respaldo de diversas organizaciones, incluyendo la Asociación Americana de Energía Pública y la Autoridad del Agua del Sur de Nevada.
Congresswoman Lee Leads Nearly 100 Members of Congress in Unveiling New Framework for Bipartisan Immigration Reform
New Democrat Coalition Whip Congresswoman Susie Lee (NV-03) joined fellow coalition leaders in unveiling their immigration reform framework to protect our border, create a path to citizenship, and strengthen our economy. The framework demonstrates New Dems’ commitment to finding a bipartisan solution to keep people safe, boost our economy, and preserve the American Dream. The New Democrat Coalition is comprised of nearly 100 center-left House Democrats committed to breaking through gridlock to deliver results for Americans. Congresswoman Lee has worked with the New Democrats to develop sound immigration and border security policies, and repeatedly called on Republicans to join Democrats in advancing these common sense, bipartisan solutions. “The only answer to our broken immigration system is a bipartisan solution. Now is the time for Congress to address a major issue that has been facing our economy and national security for far too long. Whether I’m talking to a big casino owner, a small business owner, a construction company, or a renewable energy company, the number one issue that gets brought to my attention is workforce,” said Congresswoman Susie Lee. “I believe many of my Republican colleagues want a bipartisan immigration solution, but when they had the chance to act, Republican leadership chose to kill the deal and exploit the border for political points. If we want to protect our border, support our economy, and provide a pathway to citizenship, then my Republican colleagues must come to the table and work with us who remain ready to get the job done.” You can find the framework here, and an abbreviated version below: Note on Bipartisanship This is a framework and a discussion. The best immigration solutions have bipartisan consensus.New Democrats are committed to lasting solutions to our nation’s problems and recognize such solutions are often the result of bipartisan efforts. There are areas to be flexible within this framework.Section I: Strengthen America’s Economic Competitiveness Eliminate the per-country cap for employment-based (EB) immigration visas and raise the family-sponsored per-country visa cap from 7 percent to 15 percent.Increase the number available EB visas to keep up with workforce demands.Section II: Build the Workforce Our Economy Needs Establish a pathway for migrant farmworkers in the United States to earn legal status and make commonsense reforms to the H-2A visa program.Permanently authorize the Conrad 30 waiver program, which allows physicians studying in the United States on a J-1 visa a pathway into the country upon graduation.Create a new temporary non-immigrant visa category for year-around work in industries experiencing occupation shortages.Section III: Secure Our Nation’s Border, Once and For All Fund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at a sufficient level that ensures that Customs and Border Protection has no fewer than 22,000 full-time Border Patrol agents, increase the number of CBP officers at ports of entry by at least 500 to help halt the flow of illicit drugs such as fentanyl, increase CBP retention bonuses and raise the minimum pay rate of Border Patrol agents at or below the GS-12 pay scale level.Fund DHS at a sufficient level that ensures it can upgrade the technology used at the border including investment in radar surveillance systems, mobile remote video surveillance systems, manned and unmanned vehicles; drones; the CBP One app; and CBP’s internal communications systems and improve infrastructure at the border including investment to upgrade roads and other pathways; clear invasive species that impede sightlines, and—in strategic locations where necessary—upgrade physical barriers.Direct DHS to implement biometric monitoring at their ports of entry by 2030 in accordance with Congressional Mandate.Section IV: Embrace Those Who are a Part of the American Fabric: A Pathway to Citizenship for Dreamers and TPS Holders Grant Dreamers conditional permanent resident status if they sufficiently meet criteria, including passing security and law enforcement background checks; paying reasonable application fees; have received a high school diploma, GED, are in a program assisting them in obtaining a high school diploma or GED; or are working.Grant Dreamers lawful permanent resident status if they acquire a degree from an institution of higher education, or complete at least two years of a post-secondary level degree program while remaining in good standing; complete at least two years of military service or are honorably discharged; OR maintain continued employment for a minimum of three years, at least 75 percent of which the individual was authorized to work in the United States.Pursuant to current naturalization requirements, permit Dreamers to apply for U.S. citizenship upon maintaining permanent resident status for five years.Grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) Holders lawful permanent residence if they have been in the country over three years and pass security and law enforcement background checks.Section V: Provide A Path to Legal Status for Those Who Pass a Background Check and Pay a Fine Grant undocumented immigrants who arrived to the United States when they were over age 18 temporary legal status if they pay a fine, pass a criminal background check, have not been convicted of a felony offense in the United States or their country of origin, and are enrolled in school or work full time.At the end of five years, grant those individuals lawful permanent residence status if they continue to meet certain criteria.Section VI: Fully Enforce Our Nation’s Immigration Laws Initiate legal proceedings for undocumented immigrants that do not qualify for temporary legal status. Undocumented immigrants who committed a felony, and those who fail to earn legal status, must be held accountable.Modernize compliance tools to digitally ensure U.S. employers can determine the work eligibility of new hires, with assistance to small businesses and safe harbor for employers that attempt in good faith to comply.Provide judicial discretion for immigration judges to consider marital, veteran, and other ties to the United States and specific communities when deciding legal status cases.Section VII: Reform our Broken Asylum System and Safeguard it From Abuse Transition the nation’s immigration court system into an independent judiciary, consistent with Article I of the U.S. Constitution.Provide funding to hire additional immigration judges and staff support to address the significant
0,9%; The percentage decline in bank credit in the second quarter of 2023.
Every Friday, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors releases its report on the Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States (H.8 data) for the previous week. The most recent report includes the percent change for bank credit during the second quarter of 2023, which fell by 0.9 percent.