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Rosen Stands Up for Nevada Ranchers & Cattlemen, Pushes to Block Harmful Biden Administration Effort

U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) is joining a bipartisan effort to stand up to the Biden Administration and block an effort to allow beef imports from Paraguay over concerns it would hurt Nevada’s ranchers and cattlemen. In November 2023, the U.S. Department of Agriculture issued a rule allowing the importation of beef from Paraguay. Nevada ranchers and cattlemen oppose this effort over concerns that Paraguay has a history of foot and mouth disease, which infects cattle and is highly contagious. The bipartisan group of Senators have filed a Congressional Review Act resolution to block this rule and protect domestic producers.

“Nevadans sent me to the U.S. Senate to be an independent voice for them and to always put our state first,” said Senator Rosen. “The Biden Administration’s ill-advised attempt to allow beef imports from Paraguay will hurt Nevada’s ranchers and cattlemen, and that’s why I’m proud to be part of a bipartisan effort to block this misguided effort.”

“The importation of Paraguayan beef into the U.S. comes with numerous red flags including the potential risk of introducing Foot and Mouth Disease,” said Martin Paris, Executive Director of Nevada Cattlemen’s Association. “The Nevada Cattlemen’s Association greatly appreciates Senator Rosen’s efforts to uphold the highest of food safety standards and ensure the continued health of our domestic cattle herd.”

“Nevada’s cattle sector is extremely important for our state, representing roughly 2/3rds of the total agricultural sales,” said Doug Busselman, Executive Vice President of the Nevada Farm Bureau. “It is extremely important to protect cattle health by preventing imports of very risky foreign sources.”

Senator Rosen has been a strong advocate for Nevada’s ranchers and cattlemen. Last month, Rosen sent a bipartisan letter calling on the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry to address long-term drought in the upcoming Farm Bill out of concern for its negative effects on farmers and ranchers in Nevada. Last year, she broke with the Biden Administration to block proposed regulations of U.S. waterways that would have hurt Nevada’s farmers and ranchers. Senator Rosen was also named a “Friend of the Farm Bureau” for being a consistent supporter of Nevada’s farming and ranching communities.

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